Mesarya Education House is pleased to offer preparatory English language course for international students who aim to study at Mesarya Education House – Pathway programmes.

The four-month, full-time intensive programme is designed to provide the necessary academic language and literacy skills to succeed in the English-speaking university environment.

The course focuses on academic language skills and prepares the students to perform at a high level from the very beginning of their Mesarya Education House – Pathway programmes.


Dates: 2024 September 14 – 2025 January 15

Lessons: 5 Per Day / 20 Per Week


Fee: USD $2,400.- including Password Exam Fee


This course will form a foundation for future studies: attention will be given to reviewing and building on our students’ existing language skills in a communicative and student centred environment.

It will help our students:

-write Academic English for different audiences and purposes

-read more effectively with increased efficiency and speed

-understand grammatical aspects of language

-help fully understand lectures while taking effective notes

-become confident at using spoken English in subject specific presentations, workshops and tutorials

-learn effectively, develop critical thinking and academic study skills

-get ready for MEH-NCUK International Foundation Year EAP course

-build up independent study and library-based research skills as required at UK universities